Category: Everyday Resilience

Little t Trauma Leaves You Struggling With Lingering Pain

In the realm of mental health, trauma is often classified into two categories: Big T trauma and little t trauma. Big T traumas are events that most people would recognize as traumatic. These include life-threatening situations, physical violence, serious car accidents, natural disasters, or violent crimes. A traumatic event like any of those visibly shakes […]

Flower Arranging: An Ancient Art & Healing Mindfulness Practice

Resilient Stories recently held an in-person flower-arranging workshop called “Grow & Bloom: The Healing Power of Flowers,” and it was amazing! We talked about flower arranging as a meditative, therapeutic practice and discussed various flowers and their symbolism and healing properties. The feedback we got from participants was incredible. Everyone loved it and found it […]

The Ability to Keep Going: Stories of Defiance and Victory

Life, as we all know, is a rollercoaster ride filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. In those moments when defeat seems inevitable, when the road ahead appears daunting and insurmountable, it’s the choice to keep going that defines our journey. Here at ResilientStories, we believe in the power of resilience, in the strength […]

Follow Your Dreams And Embrace Your Resilient Spirit

Are you a dream killer, guilty of negligent homicide? Do you have what it takes to be resilient enough to follow your dreams? Dreams are the whispers of our deepest desires, the echoes of a life we yearn to live. They are the manifestations of our truest selves, urging us to leap beyond the ordinary […]

Transformation Lies in the Silver Lining

Seeking a silver lining might seem elusive in tough times, but it’s a powerful skill that fosters resilience and positive change. This article demystifies the silver lining concept and equips you with practical strategies to find optimism in adversity, backed by real-life examples and scientific insights. Dive in to transform your trials into sources of […]

Being Resilient: What it Means and Why It’s Important

Resilient Stories is a place where you can learn how to be more resilient. The world often makes us feel like we go through hardship alone. Isolation can lead to depression and lessen our ability to bounce back. However, when we realize that there are others out there who have faced similar (or even far […]

Tell Your Story: Impactful Storytelling and Powerful Healing

When you tell your story, you help to heal yourself and the collective heart of the world. Your story is one of the 8 billion stories that exist on earth today, and each story is a thread. All the threads are unknowingly and inextricably linked, woven together into the tapestry that is the human experience. […]

8 Examples of Resilience in Life and Business From Real People

Resilience is the silent force behind many personal triumphs and professional comebacks. We’ve gathered eight powerful stories from founders, directors, and coaches, exploring their examples of resilience, from overcoming debt to turning career setbacks into stepping-stones. Learn how their ability to be resilient impacted their life. If you want to become more resilient, learn about […]

My Healing Journey From a Life Altering Car Accident

Written by Alexis De Santo My entire life has been what you could describe as a healing journey. I had experienced trauma as a child, dealt with substance abuse, and complicated relationships with family. My healing journey and spiritual awakening began in prison. I did my best to continue with my recovery and live a […]