Tag: car accident

The Birth and Deaths That Saved Me: A Healing Journey

Written By: Krista Lindquist (Including excerpts from Krista’s memoir, The Daisy Diaries, and her contribution to The Ancestors Within: Honor and Celebrate Your Sacred Origins) Before turning eighteen, a tragic love triangle nearly ended my life. Within one year, the shock of two unbelievably traumatic accidents involving my former high school boyfriends left me crawling […]

The Road Traveled: My Journey as a TBI Survivor

Written by: Lia Munson as told by Jeremy Schultz. In the sunlit spring of 1997, just weeks shy of completing third grade, I reveled in the freedom of bicycle rides—a passion nurtured by countless excursions alongside my father and two sisters. We often traversed a familiar 4-mile loop near our home, and those are some […]

My Healing Journey From a Life Altering Car Accident

Written by Alexis De Santo My entire life has been what you could describe as a healing journey. I had experienced trauma as a child, dealt with substance abuse, and complicated relationships with family. My healing journey and spiritual awakening began in prison. I did my best to continue with my recovery and live a […]