Author: Prudence Lybeck

From Ashamed to Empowered: Surviving the Shame Spiral

(TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault) Experiencing a shame spiral after being raped in my mid-30s was a harrowing ordeal. The perpetrator was calculated—he knew how to manipulate and hurt me, leaving bruises hidden under my clothes, except for the handprints on my neck. Afterward, in a daze of fear and confusion, I managed to gather my […]

Dating in Your 40s: A Journey of Strength and Self-Love

Dating in your 40s, being resilient, and being an independent woman looks like me. It’s about embracing my journey, finding strength in my independence, and facing life’s ups and downs with unwavering determination. I’m charting my own path, pursuing my passions, and defining success on my terms. It’s not always easy, but I’m resilient and […]