Category: Building Resilience

Managing Holiday Stress: Finding Joy Amid the Chaos

The holiday season is often described as “the most wonderful time of the year,” but for many, it can also be one of the most stressful. Between family gatherings, gift giving, and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The pressures to create perfect memories and navigate holiday stressors like financial burden, maintaining mental […]

How Learning to Express Gratitude Can Improve Your Life

In recent years, expressing gratitude has become a widely recognized tool for enhancing mental well-being and building resilience. Whether it’s through a simple “thank you” or a more profound reflection on life’s blessings, gratitude helps us shift our focus from what we lack to what we already have. This shift can foster more positive emotions, […]

How The Fall Season Inspires Reflection and Letting Go

When is the official start of the fall season in the Northern Hemisphere? Does it begin in early September, late August, or at the Autumn equinox? Ask multiple people when fall begins, and you’ll likely have some different answers. The First Day of the Fall Season For me, it commences when autumn foliage begins appearing, […]

Winter Solstice Traditions to Honor the Light & Renew the Soul

The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, and is a powerful reminder of the cycles of nature. It’s the turning point when the days gradually begin to lengthen again, and is known as a time of deep stillness and introspection. For many cultures throughout history, the winter solstice has […]

Healing Generational Trauma: Reclaiming Your Self-Worth

Written by: Sara Beth Wald This was a really difficult post to sit down and write. Who knew healing generational trauma would sneak up on me this way? In fact, I missed the deadline by three days, which is a big deal for me. Back in my columnist days, I gave birth on a Monday […]

The Difference Between Thankful and Grateful

Have you ever wondered about the difference between thankful and grateful? At first glance, these words might seem like synonyms, two sides of the same coin, interchangeable in everyday conversation. But beneath the surface, there is a world of depth and meaning that sets them apart, influencing how we experience life, how we connect with […]

Be True to Yourself: A Guide to Authenticity and Personal Growth

To be true to yourself is the most wonderful gift you can receive and give. It is also the greatest act of bravery. In the quiet moments of your life, when the noise of the world fades and you are alone with yourself, do you feel that you’re soul is aligned with the path you’re […]

I Never Thought I Would Say Thank You for My Pain and Trauma

When I began my healing journey, my quest for self-discovery, and radical self-acceptance, I didn’t know it would culminate in me wanting to say thank you. It felt like expressing gratitude for some of my pain, trauma, and experiences was just impossible. However, in the quiet moments of reflection, I find myself drawn to thoughts […]

The Mirror Within: How Self-Perception Defines Our Identity

Have you ever wondered why you view yourself so differently than others view you? It’s called self-perception. It’s an essential part of who we are, yet many of us are unaware of it or rarely stop to consider it. Self-perception is all about how we see ourselves on the deepest level: from our beliefs and […]

Meeting Your Higher Self: 5 Ways to Connect to the Real You

Understanding your “higher self” can seem like an abstract endeavor, shrouded in mystery and reserved for spiritual leaders and seasoned meditators. However, this profound concept is not only accessible but also immensely rewarding for anyone willing to explore it. In the realm of modern spirituality, reliance on the higher self is a pinnacle of spiritual […]