Tag: mental health

Rediscovering Life After COVID: One Woman’s Journey

Written by: Donna Bulatowicz Life after COVID-19 feels drastically different from life before COVID-19. I can no longer do so much that I once took for granted, and my body doesn’t function as well as it used to. I have more health challenges, and research has yet to catch up on how to treat this […]

Decoding Soul Ties: Spotting the Signs & Navigating the Bond

If you’ve ever experienced an instant, unexplainable connection with someone that felt surprising or maybe even scary, you might have found one of your soul ties. Understanding soul ties and how they work in your life will help you navigate these deep connections and intense relationships more effectively. This article will give you all the […]

From Awareness to Action: How to Deal with a Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist can be an overwhelming and challenging experience. Whether in personal relationships or professional settings, understanding how to navigate interactions with narcissists is crucial for maintaining your well-being. Narcissistic individuals often exhibit self-centered behaviors, a grandiose sense of self-importance, and a lack of empathy, making interactions particularly draining. Recognizing these narcissistic traits […]

Unlocking Happiness: Words of Affirmation Can Transform Your Life

What are words of affirmation? You might have heard the term regarding the style of one of the love languages, but that doesn’t really tell you what they are. Words of affirmation are positive statements that help individuals challenge and overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt. They are a form of self-talk aimed at boosting self-esteem, […]

Wellness Quotes to Awaken Your Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining wellness is more crucial than ever to living a balanced and fulfilling life. This comprehensive collection of wellness quotes spans a wide range of wellness topics, from mindfulness and mental resilience to physical health and spiritual wisdom. Each thoughtfully selected quote encourages readers to pause and reflect on the integral […]

What is Wrong with Me? Finding Hope and Healing

The nagging question, “What’s wrong with me?” is not merely a fleeting thought but often a deep-seated concern that reflects broader societal misunderstandings about mental wellness. There have been more times than I care to admit in my own life when I have sobbingly asked the universe what is it about me that makes me […]

Talk to Someone: Navigating Challenges Through Conversations

Life’s journey brings with it many complex emotions and challenging situations. From childhood through adulthood, the phases of our lives bring different challenges and needs for communication and support. There have been many moments in my life where I needed to talk to someone. During tough times, having someone to talk to can provide significant […]

Little t Trauma Leaves You Struggling With Lingering Pain

In the realm of mental health, trauma is often classified into two categories: Big T trauma and little t trauma. Big T traumas are events that most people would recognize as traumatic. These include life-threatening situations, physical violence, serious car accidents, natural disasters, or violent crimes. A traumatic event like any of those visibly shakes […]

Overcoming Crippling Depression: My Meditative Journey

If you’re searching for answers to what crippling depression really is or seeking ways to navigate through its crushing weight, you’ve come to the right place. Crippling depression is more than just a bout of sadness; it is a mental illness, a heavy blanket of despair that can drastically impair daily functioning and quality of […]