Tag: Trauma

Coercive Control: One Woman’s Struggle With This Silent Abuse

Story contributed by Lynae Dolechek Sitting across from Lynae, I initially anticipated this personal interview to be a tale of enduring love. The kind that weathers life’s storms and emerges stronger. Instead, Lynae’s story unfolded as a narrative of coercive control that spanned decades. Initially, she, too, genuinely believed it was a love story where […]

I Never Thought I Would Say Thank You for My Pain and Trauma

When I began my healing journey, my quest for self-discovery, and radical self-acceptance, I didn’t know it would culminate in me wanting to say thank you. It felt like expressing gratitude for some of my pain, trauma, and experiences was just impossible. However, in the quiet moments of reflection, I find myself drawn to thoughts […]

Chasing Childhood Dreams: One Woman’s Delayed Journey of Joy

Some childhood dreams reside within us until we realize them, while others fade away as life happens. I was quite the dreamer as a child (and still am). My parents helped fulfill some dreams in my younger years. For example, I joined Girl Scouts for several years in elementary school, and I began flute lessons […]

From Survival to Summit: A Domestic Violence Survivor’s Journey

Written by: Kim Hansen If you’re reading this, you’re probably a person used to having to climb mountains to get through life. Maybe you are also a domestic violence survivor, someone who experienced childhood trauma, or you know someone who has survived these challenges.  Let me just say: I am with you. It has been […]

From Ashamed to Empowered: Surviving the Shame Spiral

Written by Prudence Lybeck (TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault) Experiencing a shame spiral after being raped in my mid-30s was a harrowing ordeal. The perpetrator was calculated—he knew how to manipulate and hurt me, leaving bruises hidden under my clothes, except for the handprints on my neck. Afterward, in a daze of fear and confusion, I […]

The Birth and Deaths That Saved Me: A Healing Journey

Written By: Krista Lindquist (Including excerpts from Krista’s memoir, The Daisy Diaries, and her contribution to The Ancestors Within: Honor and Celebrate Your Sacred Origins) Before turning eighteen, a tragic love triangle nearly ended my life. Within one year, the shock of two unbelievably traumatic accidents involving my former high school boyfriends left me crawling […]

From ‘I Hate My Life’ to Thriving: A Journey of Transformation

“I hate my life.” If you’ve ever uttered these words, you are not alone. Many people grapple with overwhelming negative feelings and difficult emotions at various times. It’s natural to feel this way, especially when faced with life’s unexpected challenges and painful moments. That is the reason we started this site: to remind people that […]

Abandonment Issues: Healing Through Self-Love and Faith

Written by: Kelsey Elizabeth Matthews Looking back on the events and experiences of my childhood, it is easy to see how abandonment issues have shaped me into the woman I am today. There are many themes that I can identify, woven through the tapestry of my life, like the intricate, colorful pattern of a knitted […]

Understanding Childhood Trauma and Resilience: It’s Complicated

Written By: Kristin Oesterle When you grow up experiencing complex childhood trauma, the word resilient becomes a word you hear often. From trusted guidance counselors to neighbors who knew the troubles I was facing at home, they all had something to say about my resiliency. But did they know what childhood resilience actually meant? Was […]