Category: Relationships

Coercive Control: One Woman’s Struggle With This Silent Abuse

Story contributed by Lynae Dolechek Sitting across from Lynae, I initially anticipated this personal interview to be a tale of enduring love. The kind that weathers life’s storms and emerges stronger. Instead, Lynae’s story unfolded as a narrative of coercive control that spanned decades. Initially, she, too, genuinely believed it was a love story where […]

From Survival to Summit: A Domestic Violence Survivor’s Journey

Written by: Kim Hansen If you’re reading this, you’re probably a person used to having to climb mountains to get through life. Maybe you are also a domestic violence survivor, someone who experienced childhood trauma, or you know someone who has survived these challenges.  Let me just say: I am with you. It has been […]

Dating in Your 40s: A Journey of Strength and Self-Love

Dating in your 40s, being resilient, and being an independent woman looks like me. It’s about embracing my journey, finding strength in my independence, and facing life’s ups and downs with unwavering determination. I’m charting my own path, pursuing my passions, and defining success on my terms. It’s not always easy, but I’m resilient and […]

Autonomy in Relationships: Creating Fulfilling Unions That Last

Navigating the journey of a committed relationship, whether it’s marriage or long-term partnership, involves balancing personal freedom with deep devotion and connection to another. This balance is where the concept of autonomy in relationships becomes crucial in building a union that is strong and fulfilling. But what does autonomy mean in the context of romantic […]

Decoding Soul Ties: Spotting the Signs & Navigating the Bond

If you’ve ever experienced an instant, unexplainable connection with someone that felt surprising or maybe even scary, you might have found one of your soul ties. Understanding soul ties and how they work in your life will help you navigate these deep connections and intense relationships more effectively. This article will give you all the […]

What Does it Mean to Love Someone: A Personal Lesson on Love

Written by: Kelsey Elizabeth Matthews I think all human beings have one deeply rooted core desire in common: to love and be loved in return. The severely broken world we live in complicates this simple and straightforward task. Thus, many of us wonder, “What does it mean to love someone?” Having been raised in a […]

From Awareness to Action: How to Deal with a Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist can be an overwhelming and challenging experience. Whether in personal relationships or professional settings, understanding how to navigate interactions with narcissists is crucial for maintaining your well-being. Narcissistic individuals often exhibit self-centered behaviors, a grandiose sense of self-importance, and a lack of empathy, making interactions particularly draining. Recognizing these narcissistic traits […]

Healing After Divorce: Ashley’s Journey of Rebuilding Her Life

Written by: Ashley Kinshella Today, I want to share a deeply personal story with you about finding healing after divorce. This journey through heartbreak, resilience, and recovery has shaped the woman I am today. This is not just my narrative to write, but a beacon of hope for anyone facing a similar experience and struggle. […]