An AI generated image of a workspace with a cracked desk, papers scattered, and a chair slightly pulled back as if someone has just left. The cracks on the desk symbolize the breakdown of a supportive environment, and the scattered items represent a disrupted career through constructive dismissal.

Navigating Constructive Dismissal Amidst Personal Struggles

Nathan’s story is a deeply personal journey, marked by intense struggles with addiction, health challenges, and a professional crisis. These challenges culminated in what he later recognized as constructive dismissal.

His life has been a complex tapestry, where personal battles often overshadowed moments of professional success.

For every hill he crested, a valley waited to engulf him.

Early Life and the Seeds of Struggle

Nathan’s challenges began early. Growing up in what many consider the “Golden Age of America,” he was raised with the expectation that doing the right things would lead to success and stability.

However, life had different plans.

At just 12 years old, he suffered his first traumatic brain injury (TBI), an event that would have lasting consequences on his mental health.

Over the years, he endured a total of six TBIs. Each one added to the complex web of physical and emotional pain that he carried with him. Little did he know that as his brain was developing, it was also being rewired.

Nathan wouldn’t become aware of this or the devastating effects for over 2 decades.

By the time Nathan was in his 20s, he was already self-medicating with marijuana and alcohol to cope with the symptoms of PTSD and Bipolar 2 disorder.

The pressures of life led him down a darker path. By 2003, he was deeply entangled in a cocaine addiction. He described himself during this time as “the walking dead,” a man barely holding on as he tried to keep up with the demands of his life.

An AI generated image of a rundown warehouse room with sun streaming through a hole in the roof. There is a quote by Jean Kilbourne that reads, "Addiction begins with the hope that something 'out there' can instantly fill up the emptiness inside."

Despite his struggles, Nathan found some stability. In 2006, he met his future wife, and they married in 2010.

Their relationship was a source of strength for him, providing a foundation for him to build a semblance of normalcy.

However, his battles with addiction and mental health continued to cast long shadows over his life.

Professional Success Amidst Personal Chaos

Nathan’s professional life was a rollercoaster of successes and setbacks. He began his teaching career at Central Catholic High School, a position that was fraught with challenges from the start.

Despite these struggles, he pushed through and taught there for 5 years.

He also coached the boys’ soccer team and coached the speech team. Eventually, he realized he had peaked professionally at Central and moved on to become the Principal of Elder Grove.

Nathan standing by the constructive site of Elder Grove, the school that would later lead to his experience with constructive dismissal.

There, his dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed. After six years, he was promoted to superintendent.

He accomplished both positions at an early age, which fit with the mantra he had heard all his life that he was destined for great things.

His inner monologue told him to continue to strive for greatness, no matter the cost. This cost accumulated on an already beleaguered man and his health.

With this success came a new set of challenges. The role of superintendent was demanding, and the pressure took a toll on Nathan’s already fragile health.

Health Problems Begin to Create Challenges

In the fall of 2019, he began experiencing severe vertigo, which led to a diagnosis of Meniere’s disease—a chronic condition that affects the inner ear and causes episodes of dizziness, hearing loss, and a feeling of pressure deep inside the ear.

For someone who was already struggling with the aftereffects of multiple TBIs, this new diagnosis was devastating. He had long feared what the repercussions to his health would be from the TBIs, and this was the first sign of damage.

Nathan’s health continued to deteriorate, but he felt trapped by his job responsibilities. He eventually stopped driving his 2 boys because his vertigo was so severe that he couldn’t safely drive.

After a severe episode that caused him to pull to the side of the road because of being unable to see, he stopped driving. This left him devastated.

He relied on his wife, parents, and mother-in-law to drive him. Yet another blow to his fragile state.

The demands of his position as superintendent and his declining health left him feeling as though he had no choice but to continue working.

Work was one of the few things left he could do, and it gave him some sense of belonging and pride in an otherwise bleak world. His body was failing him. However, he pushed on, determined to fulfill his obligations despite the personal cost.

The Onset of Constructive Dismissal

As Nathan’s health worsened, the environment at his workplace became increasingly hostile. Nathan began to experience intolerable conditions.

By the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had brought additional challenges, and Nathan found himself constantly under pressure.

He described this period as one where “nothing I ever did was good enough.”

He was tasked with navigating the uncharted water of a global pandemic. Nathan had to balance putting the safety of others as the top priority, managing the largest landmass school district in the state, and offering solutions to complex problems.

Others often wanted to solve these problems in ways that bordered on the unethical.

Nathan holding his award for META Empowered Superintendent, shortly before his constructive dismissal.

The weight of these responsibilities became unbearable. This marked a turning point in Nathan’s personal and professional career.

He was honored during the spring of 2021 as the META Empowered Superintendent of the Year. However, he already saw a future that didn’t include him because of his declining mental health.

Then Came The Talk Regarding His Employment Contract and Forced Resignation

In December 2021, Nathan was blindsided. The board informed him that they would be terminating his contract before the January 31st board meeting unless he accepted a buyout offer.

The meeting where this was communicated was tense and confrontational.

Nathan recalled being cornered by a colleague who questioned his character, saying, “I know what kind of man you are.” This was a breaking point for Nathan, who had always prided himself on his integrity and commitment to his work.

Nathan had given himself to his job. He had put it before his wife, his boys, and himself. Now, with his mental and physical health faltering, he faced the question of what is most valuable in life.

Despite the pressure to leave, Nathan was supported by his staff, who were outraged at the thought of him being pushed out.

Their support led to the initial buyout offer being rescinded, but the damage was already done. Nathan was offered six months’ pay as compensation, a far cry from the career he had envisioned at Elder Grove.

Deep despair marked this period for Nathan. He found himself with too much time on his hands, left alone with his thoughts and a sense of failure that loomed large.

The emotional toll of losing his job the way he did was immense. The situation exacerbated his already fragile mental state.

He spent long hours hiding away, sometimes in the boiler room at work, trying to escape the overwhelming sense of loss and betrayal he felt.

A New Path Forward Despite The Unfair Dismissal

Nathan had long dreamed of retiring at Elder Grove, where he planned to invest his energy in his two sons, his wife, and his love for coaching.

But the reality of his situation forced him to reassess his future. The golden age he had hoped to live out had turned into a gilded cage. He needed to escape to preserve his health and sanity.

After leaving his role as Superintendent, Nathan transitioned in and out of jobs. These were a far cry from the leadership position he once held. Yet, they offered flexibility and free weekends. He needed to focus on his family and his recovery.

These roles allowed him to step away from the stress and demands that had nearly destroyed him, giving him the space to heal and rebuild his life.

An AI generated image of a lady lying on her couch in pajamas. In text overlay, a Chinese proverb reads, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."

There is More To Life Than a Job With Intolerable Working Conditions

Looking back, Nathan understands that what he experienced was a classic case of constructive dismissal.

The environment at work had become so toxic and unbearable that he felt he had no choice but to resign. The physical and emotional toll it took on him was immense, but it also led to a profound realization of the importance of prioritizing his well-being.

Nathan’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of constructive dismissal, illustrating the devastating effects that a toxic work environment can have on an individual’s health and sense of self.

Life After His Constructive Dismissal

He did not need to accept unreasonable conditions, a hostile work environment, or unfair treatment.

His journey through addiction, mental health struggles, and professional challenges highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of making choices that align with one’s values and well-being.

A photo of Nathan surrounded by his plants. These plants are part of his hobby and business he founded after his constructive dismissal/

Today, Nathan is focused on his immediate family, coaching, and finding peace and gratitude in the simpler aspects of life, far removed from the turmoil that once consumed him.

He is currently the owner of a plant business, and you can follow him at My Plant Guy.

If you are dealing with a similar situation regarding constructive dismissal, forced resignations, or workplace harassment, please seek legal advice from an employment lawyer.

5 thoughts on “Navigating Constructive Dismissal Amidst Personal Struggles

  1. Jen H.

    Nathan is one of the most genuine people I know. Watching him go through the dismissal was devastating, and it truly affected us all. Seeing him heal and grow, despite everything, is an amazing testament to the strength he has always had, whether he recognized it or not. Hold your head high, Nathan, you are loved!

    1. Nathan Schmitz

      Your words and support mean so much to me! Thank you for always being kind and caring. I’m looking forward to the next chapters in my life, but I also value the lessons of the previous chapters. I’ll never forget those who were true and supportive during those tough times.

  2. Donna

    Thank you for sharing your story!

    Toxic work environments take a huge toll on all aspects of well-being. I’ve unfortunately been there too. It takes a lot to recognize it and pull ourselves out of the toxic environment(s).

    You are courageous and inspiring.


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