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Meeting Your Higher Self: 5 Ways to Connect to the Real You

Understanding your “higher self” can seem like an abstract endeavor, shrouded in mystery and reserved for spiritual leaders and seasoned meditators. However, this profound concept is not only accessible but also immensely rewarding for anyone willing to explore it.

In the realm of modern spirituality, reliance on the higher self is a pinnacle of spiritual understanding and personal growth. The higher self embodies the highest form of our being, the part that is deeply connected to the universal energy and spirit. In fact, it is that energy, the one that guides us toward our life’s purpose with wisdom and compassion.

Discovering and embracing our highest self can lead to a more fulfilling and enlightened existence as a human being, helping us transcend our animal instincts and opening the door to greater clarity, purpose, and inner peace. By aligning with our highest self, we tap into a wellspring of inherent knowledge, spiritual understanding, and cosmic energy that allows us to transcend ordinary experiences.

This connection to our supreme beingness isn’t just a lofty ideal; it’s a practical and attainable undertaking for anyone willing to devote themselves to the journey. Upon arrival at the destination of ultimate self-awareness, one will find that their highest self is a guide, waiting to transform their life into one of balance, purpose, and a deeper connection to the spirit within.

So, let us delve deeper into the notion of our higher self and embark on a transformative path to achieving ultimate happiness, balance, good health, and well-being. In this article, you will learn:

  • the meaning of ‘higher self’

  • the benefits of accessing your higher self

  • practical tips on how to forge a stronger connection to your higher self

What is the Higher Self?

AI-generated image depicting a serene figure in meditation, surrounded by a glowing aura, illustrating the flow of spiritual energy around the higher self.

Across various religious traditions and ancient philosophies—from Christianity to Hinduism to Sufism—connecting with the Divine is akin to connecting with your higher self. That is to say that when we connect with our Divine (God, Source, the Universe, or whatever the Divine is to you), we’re tapping into our higher self. For example, in the Hindu religion, it is said that what separates us from the One Supreme Being falls away when we connect with our inner self or soul (atma in Sanskrit), and realize that everything is one, or part of a giant whole.

Some people describe the higher self as the wise, serene, and loving essence within us. The part of us that guides us, brings out our best qualities, and challenges us to question our lower nature. They suggest that living in harmony with the wisdom of our higher self allows us to become the best version of ourselves, aware of our true purpose and potential for a fulfilling, joyous life.

The truth is, there is no singular, correct answer to the question, “What is the higher self?” The answer will vary depending on who you ask, and a more suitable question is, “What is the higher self to you?”

Exploring the concept of the higher self and its impact on personal growth, I’ve gathered insights from five thought leaders, including empowerment coaches and founders. From embracing the expansive self to cultivating inner wisdom and balance, these professionals share their personal experiences and the profound benefits of connecting with their higher selves. Here’s what they had to say…

Embrace the Expansive Self

When I’m connecting with the part of me that is always present, not the parts that survived trauma or have been conditioned by society, but the whole and expansive part that is always there, regardless of whether or not I can connect with it—that is the “higher self.” 

We all have a higher self. A good analogy is the sun—the sun shines equally on suffering and joy. The sun does not withhold its rays because of something that happened on Earth. Unfortunately, because of trauma, people forget the “sun” part in themselves and think they are what happened, the suffering or the joy of life. 

I’ve found time in nature to be my favorite higher self-connecting practice. When I am in nature, I sense my interweaving with all of life, and it’s hard to hold onto deeply entrenched ideas of “me”—the higher self naturally unfolds, allowing me to move through life’s ups and downs with equanimity.”

Nuria Reed, Empowerment Coach, Nuria Reed Coaching

Align Goals With Inner Voice

“The “higher self” to me is the truest version of who I am, transcending societal expectations and ego-driven desires. It’s a deep, intuitive understanding of my purpose and values. I connect with my higher self through daily meditation and reflective journaling. These practices help me quiet external noise and tune into my inner voice. 

The benefits are profound—I feel more aligned with my goals, experience less anxiety, and maintain healthier boundaries in relationships. When I am in touch with my higher self, decision-making becomes clearer and more instinctive. This connection grounds me, fostering resilience and a deeper sense of fulfillment in my personal and professional life.”

Kristie Tse, Founder & Therapist, Uncover Mental Health Counseling

Connect With the Universal Ecosystem

“The Higher Self is like connecting with God or the universe. I believe we are all part of something larger, much like how the cells in our body are part of us, and we are part of the cells. Neither can exist without the other.

The Higher Self recognizes that we are smaller parts of a greater whole, contributing to an ecosystem. I usually meditate or enter deep thought when I’m half awake from sleeping. This helps me learn and reflect on past mistakes or situations.

For instance, a situation from a year ago might come to mind. I couldn’t learn from it at that time due to a lack of experience or knowledge. However, through meditation or self-reflection, I can recall the situation and use the knowledge I’ve gained since then to understand it better and know how to react or handle similar situations more effectively in the future.”

AL Tran, Realtor, Blogger, Author, DS Inspire

Practice ‘Christ Consciousness’

“My higher self is that which always acts with “Christ consciousness,” the core principles of which are unconditional love and radical forgiveness. You do not have to be a Christian to practice Christ consciousness. It is more of a spiritual term. I use yoga, meditation, and other healing modalities to reach my higher self.

The challenge is…to not only act with Christ consciousness in your own day-to-day life but also to act with Christ consciousness toward others when they have a lapse. That is the real challenge. Can you extend unconditional love and radical forgiveness to someone who has lapsed in Christ consciousness?

We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Let’s all try to practice more unconditional love and radical forgiveness.”

Deirdre Newman, Founder and Editor, inter-TECH-ion

Cultivate Inner Wisdom and Balance

“The concept of “higher self” holds deep personal meaning for me. It represents a state of inner wisdom, intuition, and alignment with my true purpose and values.

Connecting with my higher self involves practices like meditation, reflection, and setting aside quiet moments for introspection amidst the demands of running a business. One significant way I connect with my higher self is through regular mindfulness practices, which help me cultivate clarity and emotional resilience.

This connection brings immense benefits to my life, enabling me to make decisions that align with my core values, navigate challenges with greater ease, and maintain a sense of balance and fulfillment both personally and professionally. By tapping into my higher self, I feel more attuned to my intuition and empowered to lead authentically, which in turn enhances my overall well-being and effectiveness as a leader.”

Aseem Jha, Founder, Legal Consulting Pro

The Benefits of Connecting with Your Higher Self

Person with hands folded over a book with Sanskrit writing, sitting in front of a dusty sunset.
Image by Tep Ro from Pixabay

You may have noticed a common theme in the expert testimonies above. It is that connecting with your higher self has many valuable benefits. While these benefits may vary slightly from person to person, there are numerous rewards to being in touch with your highest self that seem to be universal.

Gaining Clarity and Direction

Working with your higher self aligns you with your highest calling. It helps you discover fulfilling vocations, nurture positive relationships, and overcome significant challenges. If you’re struggling with a career decision or unsure about your path, connecting with your higher self can provide the clarity and insight needed for a purposeful, satisfying life.

Achieving Balance and Wholeness

The wisdom of the higher self impacts every aspect of your life. Strengthening this connection improves everything from mundane daily tasks to your overall perspective. Imagine approaching daily chores with calm and purpose or handling stressful situations with grace. This balance can transform your entire life experience, making it richer and more harmonious.

Overcoming Negative Patterns

Connecting with your higher self helps you understand why you think and act the way you do, providing tools to break free from negative mindsets and behaviors that limit your potential. If you struggle with self-doubt or procrastination, your higher self can uncover the root causes and help you develop strategies to overcome them, leading to greater confidence and productivity.

Making a Positive Impact

When you work on patterns that hold you back from being your kindest, most compassionate self, your newfound patience and understanding ripple outwards, inspiring others. This ripple effect can create a more compassionate society where individuals support and uplift each other. Improving yourself contributes to the betterment of the world.

How to Access Your Higher Self

Tall redwood trees canopy.
Image by sierramurray from Pixabay

The journey to connecting with your higher self begins with the belief that the answers to your questions lie within you. To act on the insights you receive, you must trust yourself. This self-trust will grow stronger the more you rely on the inner truths that emerge. By nurturing belief in your inner wisdom, patience, and self-trust, you’ll find your higher self naturally guiding your life, leading you to unexpected and rewarding places.

Patience is also crucial. There’s a Taoist saying from the Tao Te Ching: “Do you have the patience to wait for the mud to settle, for the water to become clear and the answer to arise?” Actively seeking answers can muddy the waters, making them harder to find. Use your breath, which is considered your life force and your connection to your higher self, to cultivate patience.

Your higher self, much like other spirit guides, is always eager to communicate with you. You’ve probably already received intuitive insights from your highest self but may have dismissed them as mere thoughts or ignored them because they didn’t align with your ego-driven desires. But there are practical steps you can take to strengthen your bond with your higher self, access it more readily, and hear it more clearly.

Practical Steps You Can Take to Connect with Your Higher Self

In modern spirituality and psychology, lucid dreaming is often seen as a powerful tool for connecting with the highest self, allowing individuals to explore the intersection of psychology and mysticism. While it’s possible for anyone to teach themselves the art of lucid dreaming, this is not always the easiest or most efficient way to forge a connection to your supreme self.

Here are four more practical steps you can start today to build a stronger and more intuitive connection with your higher self:

Meditation and Mindfulness

AI-generated image of a woman sitting in meditation in front of a glowing full moon with glowing light coming from her veins and chakras, depicting the connection with the higher self.
Image by Tung Lam from Pixabay

Meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools for connecting with your higher self. These practices quiet the mind and create space for inner wisdom to emerge. Symbolic imagery can be used in meditation to connect with the higher self, helping to excavate inner knowing. Start with simple breathing exercises or guided meditations focused on connecting with your higher self.

According to the ancient philosophy of Vedanta, meditation is most beneficial immediately after waking in the morning and in the evening before you eat dinner. In addition to regular meditation, practice mindfulness throughout the day by fully engaging in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s eating, walking, or washing dishes. Being present in each moment deepens your connection with your higher self and fosters inner peace.


Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a powerful way to connect with your higher self. Journaling helps you explore your inner world, recognize patterns, and gain insights.

Set aside time each day to reflect and write freely.

Use prompts like “What does my higher self want me to know today?” or “How can I align more closely with my higher self?” Over time, you’ll notice recurring themes and insights that guide your journey. Journaling also serves as a record of your growth, providing a valuable perspective.

Nature and Solitude

AI-generated image of a tree in front of a lake with a glowing sunrise behind it and golden light emanating from it illumining sacred geometric symbols in the sky.

Spending time in nature and embracing solitude helps connect you with your higher self. Nature grounds us and brings us back to our true essence. Take walks in the park, sit by the ocean, or hike in the mountains to experience the calming presence of the natural world. These moments of solitude allow for reflection and introspection, helping you tune into your inner wisdom.

Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk

Affirmations and positive self-talk reprogram your mind to align with your higher self. Repeat affirmations like “I am connected to my higher self” or “I trust the wisdom within me” daily to reinforce this connection.

You might also use “The answers are within me. We are all part of the whole. We all have access to wisdom and compassion.” Such positive statements can shift your mindset and create a more empowering inner dialogue.

Additionally, practice speaking kindly and compassionately to yourself. When negative self-talk arises, gently redirect your thoughts to more positive and supportive messages. This practice strengthens your connection to your higher self and fosters greater self-love and acceptance.

Seeking Guidance and Support

Sometimes connecting with your higher self requires guidance from others. Seek out spiritual mentors, therapists, or supportive communities that encourage self-exploration and personal growth. These connections provide valuable insights and encouragement.

Join a meditation group, attend personal development workshops, or seek a therapist specializing in spiritual counseling. These resources offer new perspectives and tools for a deeper connection with your higher self.

Beyond Personal Growth: The Higher Self Offers Spiritual Understanding

AI-image that depicts spirituality and the oneness of all things contained in the higher self. It features a serene, cosmic scene with a glowing central light symbolizing universal consciousness. Interconnected threads of energy link stars, planets, and natural elements, illustrating the interconnectedness of all life.

Connecting with your highest self goes beyond personal growth; it has profound spiritual significance. It serves as a bridge between our human experience and the divine or universal consciousness. By aligning with our highest self, we tap into a deeper sense of purpose that transcends individual existence.

Deepak Chopra, a spiritual thought leader and former Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, has made significant contributions to the understanding of the higher self. He explains that many spiritual traditions view the higher self as the divine within us. It’s the part of us eternally connected to the source of all creation. Aligning with this part of us not only improves our lives but also fulfills our spiritual destiny.

Spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, and contemplation strengthen our higher self-connection. They allow us to quiet our minds and open our hearts to the guidance of our highest, divine self, reminding us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Connect With Your Higher Self for Overall Well Being

Forging a connection to your higher self is a transformative journey that leads to a more fulfilling and joyous life. It helps you rise above mundane challenges and see life from a perspective of elevated consciousness while enhancing your spiritual world and connection to all creation.

By nurturing your relationship to your higher self and its inner wisdom, you can find clarity, balance, and purpose in every aspect of your life. Remember, the answers you seek are within you. With patience, trust, and practice, you can unlock the profound benefits of living in alignment with your higher self.

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