Tag: resilient stories

What is Wrong with Me? Finding Hope and Healing

The nagging question, “What’s wrong with me?” is not merely a fleeting thought but often a deep-seated concern that reflects broader societal misunderstandings about mental wellness. There have been more times than I care to admit in my own life when I have sobbingly asked the universe what is it about me that makes me […]

Little t Trauma Leaves You Struggling With Lingering Pain

In the realm of mental health, trauma is often classified into two categories: Big T trauma and little t trauma. Big T traumas are events that most people would recognize as traumatic. These include life-threatening situations, physical violence, serious car accidents, natural disasters, or violent crimes. A traumatic event like any of those visibly shakes […]

Healing After Divorce: Ashley’s Journey of Rebuilding Her Life

Written by: Ashley Kinshella Today, I want to share a deeply personal story with you about finding healing after divorce. This journey through heartbreak, resilience, and recovery has shaped the woman I am today. This is not just my narrative to write, but a beacon of hope for anyone facing a similar experience and struggle. […]

Married To A Narcissist: Laura’s Emotional Healing Journey

Married to a Narcissist, Written By: Laura Richards Living with a narcissistic spouse can silently chip away at your mental health, leaving deep, unseen scars. The journey of being married to a narcissist often unfolds behind a veil of normalcy, masking the turmoil with smiles and shared laughs that fool even the closest onlookers. In […]

Resilient Taylor Swift Lyrics From Her Albums, Including TTPD

These Taylor Swift lyrics are a testament to her musical career. Through song, she narrates stories of heartbreak, recovery, and empowerment. From her self-titled debut album to the introspective Midnights, Swift has consistently used her songwriting to process her experiences and emerge stronger from them. Her ability to transform personal adversity into art resonates deeply […]

Entrepreneurial Challenges: From ‘The Hustle’ to Success

Entrepreneurial challenges include securing funding, carving out a market niche, and managing the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies the entrepreneurial journey. For me, the most daunting battles have been the loneliness and financial strain. These entrepreneurial challenges have deeply marked my journey as a co-founder of Resilient Stories. Particularly the financial sacrifices required and the profound […]

Letters to Mike: A Surviving Spouse and Grieving Widow’s Tale

Contributed by Barb Erickson Barb’s journey as a surviving spouse is a testament to the complexities of grief—a process that reshapes the very essence of her being, forcing her to confront the realities of love lost too soon. In the quiet suburban corners of Billings, Montana, Barb, a grieving widow, navigates the silence that has […]

Living With an Autoimmune Disease: Accounts From Real People

People living with an autoimmune disease often feel ignored or like a bother to those around us because we don’t look sick. Truthfully, these people’s invisible disabilities and illnesses are far too visible to be ignored. Since I originally wrote this article, it has come to my attention that some people prefer the term non-visible […]

The Ability to Keep Going: Stories of Defiance and Victory

Life, as we all know, is a rollercoaster ride filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. In those moments when defeat seems inevitable, when the road ahead appears daunting and insurmountable, it’s the choice to keep going that defines our journey. Here at ResilientStories, we believe in the power of resilience, in the strength […]