Category: Physical Health

Retinal Detachment Surgery: Finding My Vision Amidst Darkness

My name is Alan Cruz, and I’m 23 years old. I’m an entrepreneur, world traveler, adventurer, and someone who believes in living life to the fullest—even if that means dealing with retinal detachment surgery. From a young age, I’ve always had a natural curiosity that led me to explore the world around me. I was […]

Breaking Down Barriers: Mitch’s Fight Against Ableism and Isolation

Navigating life as a wheelchair user in a world designed for non-disabled individuals presents daily challenges and systemic barriers. Mitch Bohn, a 28-year-old man living with Spina Bifida, shares his experiences and insights into ableism, shedding light on the often-overlooked struggles of disabled people. His story is not just about resilience but also about the […]

Rediscovering Life After COVID: One Woman’s Journey

Written by: Donna Bulatowicz Life after COVID-19 feels drastically different from life before COVID-19. I can no longer do so much that I once took for granted, and my body doesn’t function as well as it used to. I have more health challenges, and research has yet to catch up on how to treat this […]

I Had Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico, and I Have No Regrets

Over twenty years of battling weight issues can wear down anyone’s spirit. For me, the decision to undergo weight loss surgery in Mexico was not just a health choice but a resilient step towards reclaiming control over my body and my life. I had gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, back in September 2020. I […]

Living With an Autoimmune Disease: Accounts From Real People

People living with an autoimmune disease often feel ignored or like a bother to those around us because we don’t look sick. Truthfully, these people’s invisible disabilities and illnesses are far too visible to be ignored. Since I originally wrote this article, it has come to my attention that some people prefer the term non-visible […]